Phil Dirt - Reverb Central - PO Box 1609, Felton, CA 95018-1609 USA
The Straight 8's - Never Return To Medotdotdot
artworkRockabilly stalwarts The Straight 8's saw fit to cut three instros for Never Return To Me. Quite nice, and one is darn surfable.
Picks: Ground Zero, Ironsides

Track by Track Review

Ground Zero dotdotdot
Rockabilly (Instrumental)

A bit of lighter "Telstar"-like warbling opens "Ground Zero," which is a basic rocker with more edge than melody, though its rootsy grinder rhythm is compelling.

Ironsides dotdotdotdot
Surf Rockabilly (Instrumental)

Moody bass and very cool drums ease in long guitar notes. This is lush and compelling, in a slow tribal sensual way. Very cool! "Ironsides" is somewhat suggestive of The Cadillac Angels, not in style exactly, but in tonal quality.

Redskin dotdotdot
Rockabilly (Instrumental)

Stereotypical Indian drums introduce this mostly "normal" rockabilly instro. Fun, and the slower parts are very strong.