Phil Dirt - Reverb Central - PO Box 1609, Felton, CA 95018-1609 USA
The Riddlers - Tune In to The Gotham City Go Sounddotdotdot
artworkThis six song cassette sports four instros and two vocals. The vocal stuff is quite amateur, while the instros show promise and spunk. A nice surf find.
Picks: S. X. Appeal, Everybody Up, Hang On, The Riddler

Track by Track Review

S. X. Appeal dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

Motors rev up and tires peel out as the vibrato throbs. The riff is pretty basic, but the vibrato gives if a warbly feel, and the surf glissandoes add a real sense of the shore. The keyboards whistle slightly in the background for a tasty ambiance. Quite powerful in the postsurf hot rod era way. Great track.

Everybody Up dotdotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

Heavy duty ultra reverbed delivery of the Fender Four classic, with excellent glissandoes and excited shouts. Powerful, rich, and with ample drive.

Hang On dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

Heavy crunch chord surf riffology, less interesting than the others here. It's just too repetitious.

The Riddler dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

Dribbling double picked surf leads, somewhere between the narrow spectrum of "The Victor" and a more melodic rant. It's infectious, and pretty darn solid surf, with distant shouts of "the Riddler."