Phil Dirt - Reverb Central - PO Box 1609, Felton, CA 95018-1609 USA
John Mueller - John Mueller Retrospectivedotdotdotdot
artworkJohn Mueller plays roots rock, mostly rockabilly. The one instro on John Mueller Retrospective, "Rosecrucian Surf," is off the main path of surf somewhat, but very much worth your while.
Picks: Rosecrucian Surf

Track by Track Review

Rosecrucian Surf dotdotdotdot
Blue Surf (Instrumental)

This is a really cool, track. It may be dry, but the melody is centered around a very infectious middle eastern riff. Glissandos, dueling guitars, and solid bass and drums work in concert to capture your attention. The dry textures sound very mid eighties LA new wave surf, a sound that passed all too soon. Vibrato edge and charming structures, and great string bending.